Practice » Syllabus

Goal: Create a syllabus for a fictional 8th or 9th grade algebra course. Of course, in the real world there may be state, district, or school rules about syllabus requirements, but we will not worry about those at present. Instead give your idea of an ideal syllabus.

Create syllabus

This syllabus should minimally include:

  1. grade level (8th or 9th)
  2. your information (which can be made up)
  3. assignments
  4. grading criteria
  5. policies for late work, attendance, assessment retakes, cell phones, etc.

Possible resources

Note: I recommend skimming the resources above to get ideas. Also, if you find a resource that you recommend, please send it to me so I can add it to the list for other students. Thanks!


Bring enough copies for your group (including yourself) and the instructor. I recommend bring one extra copy just in case 😉

Scoring guide

Practice assignments are designed for formative feedback. Expect a lot of notes. I recommend using these notes to make edits to your practice assignment so you start your career with an improved version.


The preservice teacher is …


The preservice teacher …


Points: 0