Practice » Motivational activity

Goal: Create a 2-5 day student activity designed for increase students' enjoyment of mathematics.

This activity should minimally:

  1. Identify the course (algebra, geometry, etc.) and the grade level (8th, 9th, etc.)
  2. Have a clear connection to mathematics. Optionally, this project can be based on College Preparatory Mathematics (9th grade algebra) used earlier in the semester.
  3. Include a student handout that details the activity.
  4. Have a schedule for each day.
  5. Include a scoring guide.

Possible resources:


Bring three copies of the activity to class. Be prepared to get feedback from your group members.

Alo be prepared to get feedback from actual students about your activity.

Scoring guide

Practice assignments are designed for formative feedback. Expect a lot of notes. I recommend using these notes to make edits to your practice assignment so you start your career with an improved version.


The preservice teacher is …


The preservice teacher …


Points: 0